Saturday, February 26, 2011

Joys of Potty Training

These past few weeks we really got down to potty training my almost 20 month old daughter, 
who shows much interest in learning. 
We have had some good experiences and some funny ones! 
The other day she said "mommy potty" so we raced to the bathroom so she 
could sit on her potty, we sat there for 10 minutes with nothing happening. 
So I said " I think it's time to get off if you're not going to do anything" she looked at 
me and said "mama no, me potty". Me thinking that it was a good idea to let her stay on
the potty said "ok", she then got up and came to give me a hug, and started laughing. 
I couldn't understand why she was laughing until I heard the sound of water hitting the floor. 
I quickly realized that she had decided to pee on the floor instead of in her potty! 
I know that while potty training you can't get mad at them for accidents, 
so that's why I decided to laugh it off after telling her that that's what 
we have her potty for is to go pee and poo! After we cleaned
the floor, we put on a pull-up and soon 
we were back in the bathroom on the potty to pee! 
We have decided that we will take her to the potty every hour
so she gets used to it more and more each day.
I am happy with the progress she has shown, with wanting to sitting
on the potty and knowing close to when she has to go. 
Way to go mommy's big girl <3

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