Monday, January 2, 2012

My dear Vanessa

Vanessa I can't believe you are 2 1/2 now, feels like yesterday that I was pregnant with you, wondering when I would get to meet you! When my due date came and went, and you still weren't here I knew that you were going to be one stubborn little girl, and look at you today, YOU ARE!!! I guess you get that from both me and daddy! ;) 
When you were born, I never thought 2 1/2 years later that I would be able to hold a conversation with you, and understand every word your saying to me, listen to you say your ABC's, and count to 10. You have accomplished so much that it makes me sad how fast you are growing up! The only good thing is, is that daddy has given me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom, where I have been there for every milestone of yours and looking forward to seeing you accomplish even more!

I just want to tell you that I am so proud of you! You have proven me wrong, people told me that there would a chance that you would start digressing when your little brother came into this world, and I can officially say that if anything you have grown up even more! You love him more than ever, you run for him when you hear him crying, and you want to change his bum every time he wakes up even if he may not need it! You are such a big help, and I am so blessed to be your mom! I thank God everyday that he picked me to be your mommy <3

 2 weeks old <3
 2 1/2 years old <3
Showing Max some Love <3

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