Thursday, July 21, 2011


About 2 months ago we found out that we were pregnant AGAIN, that should be an exciting time in anyone's life, but for me I was in total denial for a couple weeks after finding out. We talked about about having another one but we decided to wait a couple more years before even trying, well I guess there is no waiting! The biggest surprise to us was that we were even on birth control when I got pregnant this time around, so people that think that just because you are on birth control you CANT get pregnant, think again, I am living proof that it can happen, maybe not to everyone but it can. 

A few weeks after finding out when we went for the first ultrasound, and when I saw that baby moving around and watching the little heart beating away, a part of me felt calm. I knew that everything was going to be ok, and that I would get used to the change of my life once again. So with everyday I am starting to get more and more excited about another newborn in the house again, but when I think about it I remember what it was like to have a newborn in the house, sleepless nights, the feedings every 3 hours, the crying, the diapers. But then again Vanessa was an easy baby who would sleep 4-5 hours before getting up for a bottle, even as a newborn, and one thing I was always told NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY, and I didnt =) She never cried that much either, unless she was super hungry and mommy or daddy was taking to long getting the bottle, or if her bath water was to cold. We were lucky with her, now our fingers are crossed and well have another easy baby =)

We go tomorrow to find the sex of this baby out, and I am actually super excited, I love finding out what we are having, I guess to me it makes it more real, you can start putting together the nursery, buying little clothes, and this time I am going to get some photo shoot props ready to take pics! =) Looking forward to thinking of names again, and of course the baby shower LOL

The difference this time round is that we have 2 year old that we want to make sure feels included in everything, so thats why we take her to ultrasounds, we will take her to a dr appt so she can hear the baby's heart beat, and will get her to help pick some clothes out, and get the nursery together! We don't want her feeling left out, and with her being a smart girl, talking up a storm, putting phrases together, and potty training we want to make sure we keep up with that as we don't want her like some kids to start going backwards and wanting to be a baby again =( So that is why we are painting her room in a princess theme to make her feel special and like a big girl =)

Thats all for me =) Looking forward to showing ultrasound and belly pics <3

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